Best Way to Introduce Yourself in Japanese (日本語で一番いい方法自己紹介)

Irfan Naufal
3 min readSep 2, 2021
富士山、日本。(Mount Fuji, Japan)

Have you ever went to Japan before? What would you do when Japanese people asking for directions or even basic questions like “What’s your name?”. I will explain to you the easiest way to introduce yourself and also tell you some questions that might come to you when you meet Japanese people for the first time. So get prepared!

Let’s discuss it step by step! Don’t be lazy to read it Mina-san!

  1. Start with happiness!
    Use a greeting word such as おはようございます/Ohayou Gozaimasu (Good Morning) or こんにちは/Konnichiwa (Good Morning/Good Afternoon) or こんばんは/Konbanwa (Good Night) in order to start your introduction. Don’t forget to use this emote :) on your face, hehe.
  2. Bow down your head and say ….
    To say it in a polite way, you should bow down your head and say はじめまして/Hajimemashite (Nice to meet you) at the same time to show that you are respecting your interlocutor. If you really do it on your first time talking with Japanese people, I’ll make sure they will think you are a nice person.
  3. Now say your name and explain a bit where do you come from
    After you start it with an impressive opening, you can introduce your name and your origin country. Here are how you say it :
    わたしのなまえはイルファンです。/Watashi no namae wa irufan desu (My name is Irfan)
    インドネシアからきました。/Indoneshia kara kimashita (I came from Indonesia)
    — —
    // If you are a beginner at speaking Japanese you can just simply change your country and your name by using the template above! :)
    — —
    Some notes*
    の=Particle to connect between subject and object
    は=Particle to show the main topic
    イルファン=Irfan, the man who wrote this article
    です=Way to end the sentence
    から = From
    きました = Came
  4. You can put your age, your school/job background, or even more!
    It is better to get to know each other with Japanese people, right? On some occasions, one of them might want to be your friend! So you should explain more about yourself, yey! Look at this example.
    だいがくせいです。/Daigaku sei desu (I’m a university student)
    22さいです。/Ni juu ni sai desu (I’m 22 years old)
     — —
    // If you are a beginner at speaking Japanese you can just simply change your background and your age by using the template above! :)
     — —
    Some notes*
    だいがくせい=University Student
    さい= Years old
    です=Way to end the sentence
  5. Close your introduction as good as your opening
    Don’t forget to do the same thing as what you did on your opening! You should bow down your head again and say よろしくおねがいします/Yoroshiku onegaishimasu (Actually this word has a lot of meanings) but on this occasion is spelled as “Thank you for listening to my Introduction”.

Here are the complete sentences :

In the beginning, I promise to give you some examples of questions mostly asked by Japanese people when you meet each other for the first time.
- なぜにほんへきましたか。 (Asking why you come to Japan)
- どこにすんでいますか。(Asking where do you live in Japan)
- きょうはいっしょにたべにいきませんか。(Asking you to eat together)
- でんわばんごうをおしえてくれてもいいですか。(Asking to tell your phone number, maybe they want to do more activities with you!)

Well, we couldn’t expect that far which questions will we get from them... The best way to easily answer their question is by learning Japanese. :)

Thank you, I hope you like my article!😊

Created by : Irfan Naufal Adiputra

